The Inner Lifestyle Upgrade

The Inner Lifestyle Upgrade

Hosted by: LitFully – with Jamie Smart, Andrea Deltetto, Dario Martinis,

Discover new dimensions of serenity, confidence, and purpose—and light up the world in your unique way. Join the live podcast designed for driven entrepreneurs and professionals who are feeling stressed, uncertain,...


You Can Be Confident in Any Market

Season #2

Inner Peace regardless of market fluctuations 👉 Discover our Private Coaching and schedule a free call Smart, driven individuals often dive into investing; some of the...
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Beating Procrastination: A Hustle Culture Myth?

Season #2

The Natural Way to Beat Procrastination.👉 Discover our Private Coaching and schedule a free call Is procrastination just a signal from your system, telling you that you're...
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BulletProof: Be fearless and resilient - no matter what | with Chantal Burns

Season #2

👉 Get a sneak peek of "Bulletproof: Be fearless and resilient - no matter what"! Download the first two chapters for FREE here:  🌐 Website and Newsletter -...
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The Power of Priorities - With Jamie Smart & Andrea Deltetto

Season #2

The Essential Guide to Setting Powerful Priorities. Join us live for the next episode:  If you ever find yourself feeling like time ain't enough, running the endless grind, only to feel drained...
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Confidence from Within: Beyond External Factors with Jamie Smart & Dario Martinis

Season #2

Join us live for the next episode: When we base our confidence on external factors, we're building on quicksand. We then spend time and energy defending our successes and avoiding failure,...
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Create and Achieve From Inspiration, Not Stress

Season #2

Join us live for the next episode: Stress has become so ingrained in our pursuit of goals that many of us don't even consider the possibility of a better alternative. What if it were possible to...
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Breaking Free from a Life and Job That No Longer Feels Right

Season #2

Join us live for the next episode: Feeling stuck in a life path that no longer fits is both frustrating and draining. We will explore what to do in these situations—how to break free—starting...
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How to Move Beyond Stress-Based Motivation

Season #2

Join us live for the next episode: Many entrepreneurs, managers, and professionals have learned to drive results and performance from a state of stress. Some are so accustomed to it that they...
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The 4 Phases of a Deep Inner Lifestyle Upgrade

Season #1

In this content capsule, we are going to explore together the four phases of a deep inner lifestyle upgrade: Ungluing: Breaking free from the false beliefs that leave so many high achievers feeling stressed, stuck,...
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Deep Fulfillment: The Counterintuitive Path

Season #1

Many entrepreneurs, executives, founders, and other achievers exert a huge effort in their search for inner success and well-being. However, all that effort is in vain if they’ve been looking in the wrong...
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The Paradox of Success Demystified

Season #1

By delving into some of the challenges faced by many entrepreneurs, founders, executives, freelancers, and other high-achievers, we'll uncover the elusive culprit behind them. We're also going to unearth the chief,...
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[3 of 3] Unmasking Success - The Raw Truth About Achievement and Fulfillment

Season #1

This is the last of three pilot episodes for 'The Inner Lifestyle Upgrade.' If you've missed the previous content capsules, you can find the first one here and the second one here.
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